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Charles River Analytics Presents Healthcare Support and Training Systems at TATRC’s Open House

Charles River Analytics Inc., developer of intelligent systems solutions, was invited to an open house hosted by the U.S. Army Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) on May 5, 2017.

As part of their portfolio of advanced, innovative, mission-focused solutions, Charles River demonstrated the following:

  • The Ensemble Prediction for Intelligent Combat Casualty Care mobile application (EPIC3)
  • The Tourniquet Master Training System (TMT)


“The TATRC Open House was a great opportunity to showcase the power of our EPIC3 work in tactical combat casualty care,” said Max Metzger, Principal Investigator for EPIC3. “This venue enables attendees to get hands-on experience with our mobile application for trauma injury prediction.”

“There is such a variety of wonderful capabilities here that TATRC is creating,” added Benjamin Bauchwitz, a scientist at Charles River. “Our Tourniquet Master Training capability is just one of them. Getting feedback and demonstrating how scenario-based training can allow trainees to work with new tourniquet technology was an ideal opportunity for us.”

TATRC open house

Charles River’s scientists presenting TMT at TATRC’s open house

EPIC3 and TMT are two of Charles River’s efforts in healthcare support and training, which includes surgical training systems, a first-aid training framework, artificial intelligence-enabled online communities to support recovering amputees, therapeutic applications, decision aids, healthcare data analytics, sensors and sensing technology, and mobile training technology. See other examples of our Healthcare Support and Training efforts.

Solutions to serve the warfighter, technology to serve the world®

Charles River Analytics brings foundational research to life, creating human-centered intelligent systems at the edge of what’s possible, through deep partnerships with our customers. 

To learn more about Charles River or our current projects and capabilities, contact us

For media inquiries, please contact Longview Strategies.