Our talented and unique
employees are the key to
our success.
The employees of Charles River Analytics offer a
unique mix of scientific and technical backgrounds.
Research and Software Development Staff
Our scientists and engineers have backgrounds in:
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Cognitive Science
- Psychology
- Mathematics
- and other related fields
Research Staff Degrees
Software Developers Years of Experience
Our Corporate Values: People, Place, Purpose
Our success as a company is built entirely on our people’s creativity, smarts, and commitment to doing good work for our customers within our highly collaborative environment.
We value effective leadership of self and others, mutual support and trust across our team, and technical entrepreneurship to drive our growth.

We value great people. We want to attract and work with the smartest, most creative, self-motivated, fun, honest, visionary people around who can work well together to solve really challenging, important problems. We value people who can combine exceptional individual traits with excellent social and team skills, who have a passion to succeed in an environment that supports cross-disciplinary approaches and rewards team success.
Meet some of our featured people

We value a great company culture and environment. We want to maintain and grow an environment that not only fosters individual excellence, but also drives creative collaboration in pursuit of team efforts. We want our leadership focused on what brings out the best in individuals and teams, setting meaningful goals, minimizing bureaucracy, and encouraging lifelong learning across the company. We value a company that provides the infrastructure for success, and an environment that ensures an excellent overall quality of life.

We value doing important, visionary work, doing it better than anyone else, and making our customers and users happy. We want to be addressing important human-systems challenges and creating innovative R&D solutions that we’re proud to look back on. We want to be recognized by our customers and those that use our products as an industry leader and a great company with which to do business.
Photo Gallery

Company Mission
We are here to serve—our military, our homeland, our society, and our planet.
- We support the warfighter and enhance their performance with human-centered intelligent systems.
- We protect our homeland with technology-driven threat detection and response.
- We transform healthcare and worker safety with AI and intelligent adaptive training.
- We care for our planet by applying leading-edge tech to species protection, ocean mapping, and environmental data collection.
We deliver innovation with breakthrough R&D.
We hire and nurture smart people so they can solve hard problems at the intersection of human and machine intelligence.
We provide groundbreaking solutions to our government and commercial customers.
We apply rigorous engineering and product management practices to mature our research results into viable, deployable products for the government and private sector.