OUR CORE R&D / These systems range from individual

autonomous robotic platforms to large-scale, multi-agent systems

for information management, command & control


These systems range from individual  autonomous robotic platforms to large-scale, multi-agent systems  for information management, command & control

Human-Robot Collaboration

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Human-Robot Collaboration

Charles River Analytics develops human-machine interfaces that seamlessly integrate robots into a human operator’s workflow. Natural interfaces fuse advanced speech and gesture recognition, computer vision, augmented reality, and smart devices. These natural interfaces reduce the cognitive burden on operators, increase trust in human-robot teams, and help keep our warfighters safe.

Related Projects:

Depiction of injured person being identified and triaged by a ground uncrewed vehicle with a robotic arm during a train crash.


A robotic medical triage system that aids medics during a mass casualty incident

JET with task plan displayed


An enhanced crewed–uncrewed team communication prototype for complex settings


A system to explore cooperation and behavior allocation of autonomous teams



A tool to help medics monitor patients, diagnose injuries, and provide treatment