A tool that uses cyber-psychological tactics to
exploit human vulnerabilities in cyber attackers
OUR CORE R&D / These systems range from individual
autonomous robotic platforms to large-scale, multi-agent systems
for information management, command & control
These systems range from individual autonomous robotic platforms to large-scale, multi-agent systems for information management, command & control
A tool that uses cyber-psychological tactics to
exploit human vulnerabilities in cyber attackers
An automated cybertraining tool that customizes behavior to meet training objectives
Boat safety challenges and real-time performance using onboard sensor data
Cyber meta-monitor technology to mitigate in-flight attacks
A forensic analysis tool for cybertechnical and cybersocial attacks
Automatically verify code, catch errors, and seamlessly make recommendations
A cyber-attack detection and inference device
Understand adversary behavior and develop proactive cyber security strategies
A cybersecurity approach using systemic functioning grammars
A system that detects and prevents cybersecurity breaches in military ground vehicles
Cyber adversary modeling and simulation
A cyber defense tool that analyzes vulnerabilities
A secure neural network that protects sensitive information
A trojan detection framework
Probabilistic representation of intent commitments to ensure software survival
An automated method to forecast and detect cyberattacks
Detecting anomalies and defending against cyberattacks
War gaming exercises without need for extensive adversary behavior modeling experience
A systemic functional grammar application for design models
Avoiding malice with linguistics-inspired exploit testing
A cyber-resilient framework to protect cyber physical systems from threats
Predictive malware defense research
Software to detect and analyze malware attacks