Your Partner in Innovation
Welcome, I/ITSEC attendees!
Charles River Analytics is an employee-owned, small business that develops innovative tools and technology to transform our customers’ and partners’ needs into intelligent system solutions. We deliver effective and adaptive training and novel interfaces, and we assess mission readiness across a number of key domains, such as air and ground operations, aircraft maintenance, sonar and shipbuilding, and battlefield medicine. To support our customers and partners, we draw on our core capabilities in world-class software engineering, cognitive systems engineering, augmented and virtual reality, intelligent tutoring, artificial intelligence, and human physiology & training science. We systematically document required skills and abilities, develop training simulations, dynamically customize training scenarios to automatically assess these skills, and populate simulations with hostile and friendly forces.
View a Demo
We are demonstrating VIRTUOSO, an interface to support natural human interactions in mixed reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality (MR/VR/AR) environments.
Contact Us to schedule a demo of VIRTUOSO in the Army Research Laboratory’s booth (#321).
Attend a Session
Sean Guarino is on the panel discussing Agents from the Future: Intelligent Agents Build Intelligent Warfighters.
Thursday, November 30, from 8:30-10am.
Room S320GH FE7
Meet with us at I/ITSEC
Contact Us to schedule a meeting, or to learn about our tools and capabilities, including the following:
Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) Integration
Advanced system modeling, analysis, and design integration are critical for effective LVC simulation to effectively promote service readiness. Our mixed-fidelity physical, virtual, and augmented reality platforms can be easily combined with a variety of flight simulation and constructive threat generation systems to explore targeted scenarios that exercise critical practitioner decision-making skills. Pilots, operators, system engineers, and trainees can use these systems to better understand, anticipate, and learn system performance with realistic consequences across a variety of mission types.
Examples of our modeling and simulation-based LVC and training efforts include:
- SUREFIRE – a training simulation that prepares pilots to take part in the US Air Force’s Red Flag program, an aerial training exercise to practice intense combat simulations.
- GeMFIRE – a multirole fighter instruction and rehearsal environment that prepares pilots for next-generation multirole aircraft.
- COLBERT – a graphical development and run-time environment to create and manage computer generated forces and constructive threat models.
- SEAMATE – virtual, environment-based training tools that help shiphandling instructors monitor and interact with trainees.
View more examples of our simulation-based efforts.
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR) Immersive Training
Immersive and adaptive VR/AR/MR training maximizes transfer of skills through ecological mapping of real-world scenarios to computer generated training scenarios, reducing training equipment, development, execution, and maintenance costs. We provide custom VR/AR/MR training experiences that can be tailored to individual trainees to maximize skill improvement and retention, while leveraging best-in-breed COTS components to reduce deployment costs and training restrictions.
Games and Intelligent Tutoring for Adaptive Training
Adaptive intelligent tutoring focuses training on individual differences and instructional needs. Our student assessment and scenario generation tools allow us to build effective tutors in a variety of domains. We also use a number of gaming technologies to develop serious games for accessible and affordable training, including:
- In partnership with the DiSTI Corporation, we built the UH-72A Virtual Management Trainer (VMT) to train maintainers on a fleet of UH-72A helicopters at the Western Army National Guard Aviation Training Site (WAATS).
- Our CREATE semantic learning management system helps authors of intelligent tutoring systems quickly find lesson content through a combination of automated information extraction and semantic information retrieval technologies.
- The MARCS program uses micro games to train Marines to enhance their perceptual skills for defense against stealth attacks.
- The STAT tablet-based system for trauma assessment training enables individuals and teams to practice treating trauma patients in multiple trauma scenarios.
- The MENDS maintenance training environment teaches and assesses troubleshooting skills through training protocols, assessment tools, and models of skill acquisition and decay.
View more examples of our Intelligent Tutoring and Game-Based Training efforts.
CyMod™ Cyber Behavior Modeling
Training, mission rehearsal, and wargaming are key components of pro-active cyber defense and operations. Cyber defense includes detecting and defending against both network and social engineering attacks. CyMod enables the development of models of intelligent cyber adversaries that can attack networks, both computer and social. CyMod attack scenarios can be used to train cyber defenders or to wargame network attacks to assess vulnerabilities. Charles River Analytics provides the tools to make it fast and affordable to create realistic adversaries.
Learn more about CyMod.
View more examples of our Agent-Based Training and Cognitive Modeling efforts.
Healthcare Support and Training
Charles River has expanded its research and development to focus on the field of healthcare support and training. Since 2009, we have announced multiple contract awards, including surgical training systems, a first-aid training framework, and artificial intelligence enhancements for recovering amputees. More recently we have focused on developing therapeutic applications, decision aids, healthcare data analytics, sensors and sensing technology, and mobile training technology. We expect the DoD will benefit from these efforts through enhanced performance of DoD medical providers, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants and ground medics, as well as direct healthcare support to Warfighters and veterans.
Our healthcare support and training efforts include:
- The RELAX mobile applications helps service members and veterans manage extreme anger, which is often associated with PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
- The MOVER system enhances outpatient rehabilitation with engaging video games and virtual coaches.
- The ADVISOR system aids in assessments of vestibular indicators following a potential concussive injury
- The EPIC3 app predicats traumatic injury and other patient outcomes, providing a screening tool for ground medics and other trauma care providers.
- The MEDIC system automatically senses indicators of cognitive workload to augment performance observations.
- The TMT system provides training on tourniquet technology to aid warfighters treating battlefield injuries.
- The STAT tablet-based system for trauma assessment training enables individuals and teams to practice trauma patient scenarios.
Sherlock™ is an open and extensible software and hardware platform that enables users to rapidly prototype applications that collect, analyze, visualize, and reason about human physiological, neurological, and behavioral states. The Sherlock platform provides software solutions for advanced modeling and analytic techniques built on a solid foundation of Charles River Analytics products.
Learn more about Sherlock.
Stop by Booth #321 at I/ITSEC or Contact Us to learn more!