Enhancing human-centered workflows with intuitive interface technologies and advanced AI
We enable users to achieve their goals by integrating advanced AI algorithms, decision-support tools, and training software within human-centered workflows in useful and efficient ways.
We employ novel user interface technologies, including speech and gesture recognition, computer vision, and multimodal interfaces, to provide natural and intuitive interaction across smart devices, desktop, and mixed-reality applications.
Extended Reality (XR) Interfaces
Mixed reality (MR), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) applications bring new information and interaction affordances to real-world environments, and enables users to work, train, and collaborate within situations that might otherwise be dangerous or cost-prohibitive. We provide custom XR interaction experiences that can be tailored to individual work and training environments, while applying best-in-class commercial components to reduce deployment costs and training restrictions.
Decision-Support and Collaboration Systems
Effective tools don’t just drop reams of data into users’ laps: they elevate and present decision-critical information in ways that can be efficiently recognized, interpreted, and acted upon.
Human-AI Teaming
To be trustworthy, AI systems must be resilient, unbiased, accountable, and understandable. But most AI systems cannot explain how they reached their conclusions. Explainable AI (XAI) promotes trust by providing reasons for all system outputs—reasons that are accurate and human-understandable.
Human-Robot Collaboration and Natural Interfaces
Charles River Analytics develops human-machine interfaces that seamlessly integrate robots into a human operator’s workflow. Natural interfaces fuse advanced speech and gesture recognition, computer vision, augmented reality, and smart devices. These natural interfaces reduce the cognitive burden on operators, increase trust in human-robot teams, and help keep our warfighters safe.
Advanced Training Tools
Customized training tools support education and training across a broad range of instructional needs, from marksmanship and battlefield medicine to basic topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). We develop interfaces that address unique learning objectives and use contexts by delivering these experiences across a range of desktop, mobile, and mixed-reality environments.
The VSDK eliminates the traditional roadblock of device-specific applications, allowing developers to design and build one application for a range of visualization, input, haptic, and tactile devices, and utilize a single API for interaction across all of these platforms.
The VSDK eliminates the traditional roadblock of device-specific applications, allowing developers to design and build one application for a range of visualization, input, haptic, and tactile devices, and utilize a single API for interaction across all of these platforms.