Artificial Intelligence

Translators as Information Seekers: Strategies and Novel Techniques

Dr. Ming Qian HCI International, Virtual (July 2023) Translators search for information to resolve various types of uncertainties they face such as confirming the source of original texts, gaining proper understanding, and verifying whether the selected keywords are spelled correctly,

Growing an Embodied Generative Cognitive Agent

Spencer K. Lynn, Bryan Loyall, James Niehaus Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023 Fall Symposium Series. (AAAI-23), Arlington, VA, (October 2023). An evolutionary perspective on embodiment puts maintenance of physiology within a functional envelope

Collaborative Autonomy Meets the Real World

David Koelle AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2024, San Diego, CO (April 2024) The physical world is being increasingly served by autonomy, including self-driving taxi cabs, autonomous mining vehicles, and robots in warehouses and hospitals. While this is

Challenges and Progress in Swarm Autonomy

David Koelle AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2022, Denver, CO (April 2022) The growing use of uncrewed and increasingly autonomous vehicles across civilian and military applications starts to establish a future in which multiple vehicles can work together

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