Influence of chronic stress on network states governing valence processing: Potential relevance to the risk for psychiatric illnesses

Pantelis Antonoudiou1, Bradly T. Stone2,  Phillip L. W. Colmers1, Aidan Evans-Strong1, Najah Walton1, Jamie Maguire1 Neuroendocrinol, Volume 35, Issue 9. April 2023.  Stress is a common seizure trigger that has been implicated in worsening epilepsy outcomes, which encompasses psychiatric and cognitive comorbidities and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) risk. The neuroendocrine response to stress […]

Challenges and Progress in Behavior-Based Adaptive Autonomy

Arjuna Balasuriya, Tyler Mayer, and Gerald Fry AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2023, Denver, CO (May 2023) Today’s uncrewed platforms are typically operated by humans using remote control to guide every detailed aspect of a mission. However, as missions become more complex, there are many scenarios (particularly in the marine, ground, and space domains) in which operators are […]

A Novel Approach to Automated Assessment Generation Using Semantic Extraction

Terry Patten1, Rachel Amey2, Joanne Barnieu3, Clarence Dillon3, Jennifer Harvey3, Sean Shiverick3, Michael Smith3, Steve Hookway1 Paper Session, MODSIM 2023, Norfolk, VA (May 2023). 1 Charles River Analytics 2 U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 3 ICF Rapid and reliable individual-level assessments are critical to developing effective and capable Army Soldiers and meeting the […]

Translators as Information Seekers: Strategies and Novel Techniques

Dr. Ming Qian HCI International, Virtual (July 2023) Translators search for information to resolve various types of uncertainties they face such as confirming the source of original texts, gaining proper understanding, and verifying whether the selected keywords are spelled correctly, commonly used, or matched properly between source and target languages. Under the constraints of tighter […]

Growing an Embodied Generative Cognitive Agent

Spencer K. Lynn, Bryan Loyall, James Niehaus Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023 Fall Symposium Series. (AAAI-23), Arlington, VA, (October 2023). An evolutionary perspective on embodiment puts maintenance of physiology within a functional envelope as the brain’s base goal, with all other goals as refinements. Thus, all goals have […]

Towards a Human-in-the-Loop System for Authoring Game AI using Behavior Languages

Erica Kleinman1, Spencer Lynn2, Bryan Loyall2, Magy Seif El-Nasr3 In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. Lisbon, Portugal (April 2023) As games get more complicated, Artificially Intelligent (AI) agents need to be better developed to understand and replicate complex, goal-oriented, reactive behaviors. Many existing behavior language approaches do not […]

Excretory/Secretory Proteome of Females and Males of the Hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum

Pathogens, 06 January 2023 10.3390/pathogens12010095 Samuel C. Uzoechi1, Bruce A. Rosa1, Kumar Sachin Singh1, Young-Jun Choi1, Bethany K. Bracken2, Paul J. Brindley3 , R. Reid Townsend4, Robert Sprung4, Bin Zhan5, Maria-Elena Bottazzi5, John M. Hawdon3, Yide Wong6, Alex Loukas6, Sergej Djuranovic7 and Makedonka Mitreva1* Intricate molecular communication between schistosome flatworms and their mammalian host, […]

Cyber Reactive Adversary Framework for Training

Sean Guarino1, William Norsworthy1, David Kelle1, John Steigerwald1, Timothy Ho1, Dorsey Wilkin2 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (29 November 2023)  Networks have become a critical background for military operations as adversaries and hackers become increasingly prolific and proficient at cyber warfare. Despite this, cyber training has remained focused on large-scale exercise […]

Immersive Space Operations Training in Extended Reality

Daniel Stouch, Sean Guarino, Dan Duggan, Susan Latiff, Robert Hyland, Kimberly Brady Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (29 November 2023)  The training of next-generation space operators for both commercial and military capabilities relies largely on analog physical models and PowerPoint lectures. Consequently, new operators do not often fully grasp the fundamentals […]

AI Inference of Team Effectiveness for Training and Operations

Robert Hyland, Kenneth R. Lu, Spencer Lynn, Ph.D, Stephen J. Marotta, James Niehaus, Ph.D., William Norsworthy Jr., Avi Pfeffer, Ph.D., Curtis Q. Wu, Bryan Loyall, Ph.D. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (29 November 2023)  How can we build artificial intelligence (AI) that robustly recognizes how well a team is doing from […]

Augmented Reality Technology to Facilitate Proficiency in Emergency Medical Procedures

Laurel O’Connor1, Sepahrad Zamani1, Liam Porter2, Nicolette McGeorge3, Susan Latiff3, Timothy Boardman1, Matthew Loconte1, Michael Weiner1, Eileen McGarry1, Felipe Pina1, Jorge Acevedo Hermaan1, Andrew Milsten1, Martin Reznek1, John Broach1 In Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii. (January 2023) Background: Augmented reality (AR) conveys an experience during which the user’s real-time […]

Assessing Situation Awareness (SA) Using Single- or Dual-Location Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)

Bethany K. Bracken1, Aaron Winder1, Brandon Hager1, Mica R. Endsley2, and Elena K. Festa3 Presented at BIOSTEC 2023. 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (February 2023) To operate effectively across a variety of environments, personnel (e.g., air traffic controllers, pilots, truck drivers, emergency response crews) need to be trained to the […]

Democratizing AI for Condition-Based Maintenance using Probabilistic Programming

Kenneth Lu1, Sanja Cvijic1, David Dewhurst1, Joe Gorman1, Rob Hyland1, James Templin2 Proceedings of The 69th Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) (January 2023) Advances in AI/ML have demonstrated enormous potential in improving and optimizing condition-based maintenance processes; however, AI/ML solutions themselves inevitably become a maintenance liability, wherein the end users must repeatedly work with […]

Need for AI in Transformer Diagnostics and Prognostics

Sanja Cvijic1, Nidhi Gupta1, Scott Lux2 Proceedings of The 69th Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) (January 2023) Power equipment, such as electrical transformers, undergo performance degradation over time that can prevent them from functioning properly in critical situations or even cause catastrophic failures.  Improved diagnostic and prognostic approaches that more accurately determine the reliability […]