CrowdSim: A Generative Model of Crowdsourced Survey Responses
Michael Lepori, Derek Thayer, Sean Guarino, Leonard Eusebi Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (1 December 2021) Career development relies on an understanding of possible future roles, available training experiences, and current skills. To target training where it will be most effective, trainees and instructors must understand how these elements interact, which […]
Unifying AI Algorithms with Probabilistic Programming using Implicitly Defined Representations
Pfeffer, A., Harradon, M., Campolongo, J., and Cvijic, S. arXiv:2110.02325 (October 2021) We introduce Scruff, a new framework for developing AI systems using probabilistic programming. Scruff enables a variety of representations to be included, such as code with stochastic choices, neural networks, differential equations, and constraint systems. These representations are defined implicitly using a set […]
Toward Intuitive Understanding of Complex Astrodynamics Using Distributed Augmented Reality
Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS), Maui, HI (September 2021) Stouch, D., Balasuriya, U., Hyland, R., Bird, L., Jenkins, M., and Kingsley, C. Existing capabilities and future possibilities can help multiple users build an intuitive understanding of complex astrodynamics in a collaborative real time virtual environment using an augmented reality (AR) space […]
Design and Development of a Prototype Heads-up Display that Supports Context-aware, Semi-automated, Hands-free Medical Documentation
McGeorge, N., Latiff, S., Muller, C., Dong, L., Chewning, C., Friedson-Trujillo, D., and Kane, S. International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, HFES, 2021, Virtual Symposium. Military and civilian medical personnel across all echelons of medical care play a critical role in evaluating, caring for, and treating casualties. Accurate medical documentation is […]
HyWorM: An Experiment in Dynamic Improvement of Analytic Processes
Trewhitt, E.1, Whitaker, E.1, Veinott, E.2, Thomas, R.3, Riley, M.1, McDermott, A.4, Eusebi, L.4, Dougherty, M.5, Illingworth, D.5, Guarino, S.4 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (July 2021) HyWorM is an approach and implementation for guiding analytic sensemaking processes using the HyGene model of human hypothesis generation. It is an evolution of the RAMPAGE Workflow Monitor […]
Towards Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in the Mission Planning Process
Kane, S., Moody, V, and Harradon, M. HCI International, Washington, DC (June 2021) While there are numerous powerful tools to support Navy mission planning, the mission planning process still remains a hybrid planning activity across human operators and advanced tools. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have seen an increase in interest and use in the mission planning environment. Yet traditional […]
Applying Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring Techniques to Physical Fitness Training Programs
Voge, J.1, Negri, A.1, Woodall, P.1, Thayer, D.1, Ruby, B.2, Hailes, W.2, Reinert, A.3, Niehaus, J.1, and Lynn, S.1 To appear in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Adaptive Instructional Systems, held as part of the 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Washington, DC (July 2021) Adaptive Training Protocols (ATP) is a collection of […]
Developing an Adaptive Framework to Support Intelligence Analysis
McDermott, A.1, Veinott, E.2, Eusebi, L.1, Whitaker, E.3, Trewhitt, E.3, Mueller, S.2, Illingworth, D.4, Thomas, R.3, Dougherty, M.4, Guarino, S.1 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2021 An essential component to intelligence analysis is inferring an explanation for uncertain, contradictory, and incomplete data. In order to arrive at the best explanation, effective analysts in any discipline […]
Can Situation Awareness Be Measured Physiologically?
Bracken, B.1, Tobyne, S.1, Winder, A.1, Shamsi, N.1, Endsley, M.2 Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering (July 2021) To operate effectively across a variety of environments, personnel (e.g., air traffic controllers, pilots, truck drivers, emergency response crews) must develop and maintain situation awareness (SA), perceiving relevant elements in the environment, understanding their meaning, and projecting […]
Brittle AI, Causal Confusion, and Bad Mental Models: Challenges and Successes in the XAI Program
Druce, J.1, Niehaus, J.2, Moody, V.1, Jensen, D.2, Littman, M.3 arXiv:2106.05506v1 (June 2021) The advances in artificial intelligence enabled by deep learning architectures are undeniable. In several cases, deep neural network driven models have surpassed human level performance in benchmark autonomy tasks. The underlying policies for these agents, however, are not easily interpretable. In fact, […]
Assured Onboard Autonomy Architecture for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Balasuriya, A. AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2021 (May 2021) In this paper, we present an adaptive autonomy architecture which considers the uncertainties introduced by autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) onboard sensors, as well as the challenges introduced by dynamic underwater environments. By addressing these considerations, our architecture provides AUVs with additional capabilities that enable a wider range of […]
The Growing Amplification of Social Media: Measuring Temporal and Social Contagion Dynamics for Over 150 Languages on Twitter for 2009–2020
Alshaabi, T., Dewhurst, D., Minot, J., Arnold, M., Adams, J., Danforth, C., and Dodds, P. EPJ Data Sci. 10, 15 (March 2021) Working from a dataset of 118 billion messages running from the start of 2009 to the end of 2019, we identify and explore the relative daily use of over 150 languages on Twitter. […]
The Sociospatial Factors of Death: Analyzing Effects of Geospatially-distributed Variables in a Bayesian Mortality Model for Hong Kong
Alshaabi, T.1,2,4, Dewhurst, D.1,2,3, Bagrow, J.1,5, Dodds, P.1,2,4, Danforth, C.1,2,5 PLoS ONE 16(3): e0247795 (March 2021) Human mortality is in part a function of multiple socioeconomic factors that differ both spatially and temporally. Adjusting for other covariates, the human lifespan is positively associated with household wealth. However, the extent to which mortality in a geographical […]
SPICEs: Survey Papers as Interactive Cheat-sheet Embeddings
Prabhu, V.1, McAteer, M.2, Teehan, R.3 Rethinking ML Papers – ICLR 2021 Workshop Papers are hard to write. Survey papers are just that much harder. From the authors’ perspective, challenges include the responsibility to not erase out important work being done by (sometimes) adversarially aligned research groups, finding the right semantic clustering to sub-categorize individual contributions, […]
Human Factors Issues and Challenges In Research on ‘Many-Agent’ Control Applications
Miller, C.¹, Adams, J.², Clark, S.³, Kane, S.⁴, Roundtree, K.², and Walker, P.¹ Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (February 2021) Human control of multiple agents in swarm or multi-agent deployments are still novel and understudied—especially when real-world research involving many agents (e.g., 50+) are considered, though many organizations are rushing to […]
Development of Human-Out-of-the-Loop Participant Recruitment, Data Collection, Data Handling, and Participant Management System
Bracken, B.1, Potoczny-Jones, I.2, Wolcott, J.2, Raffaele, E.2, Woodward, L.2, Gogoel, C.3, Kiourtis, N.3, Schulte, B.3, Arean, P.4, and Farry, M.1 Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (February 2021) Most human subjects research requires data collection by contacting local participants who visit a research site. This is costly, time-consuming, and decreases subject retention with each required visit. Additionally, studies require increasingly […]
How the World’s Collective Attention is Being Paid to a Pandemic: COVID-19 Related n-gram Time Series for 24 Languages on Twitter
Alshaabi, T., Arnold, M., Minot, J., Adams, J., Dewhurst, D., Reagan, A., Muhamad, R., Danforth, C., and Dodds, D. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244476 (January 2021) In confronting the global spread of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic we must have coordinated medical, operational, and political responses. In all efforts, data is crucial. Fundamentally, and in the possible absence of a vaccine for 12 […]
Storywrangler: A massive exploratorium for sociolinguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and political timelines using Twitter
Alshaabi, T.1,2,3, Adams, J.1,2, Arnold, M.1,2, Minot, J.1,2, Dewhurst, D.1,2,4, Reagan, A.5, Danforth, C.1,2,3, and Sheridan Dodds, P.1,2,3 Science Advances (July 2021) In real time, Twitter strongly imprints world events, popular culture, and the day-to-day, recording an ever-growing compendium of language change. Vitally, and absent from many standard corpora such as books and news archives, […]