Providing Distributed Situation Awareness to Human and Canine Tracking Teams

Danczyk, J., Eaton, R., Hutchins, R., Jenkins, M., and Irvin, S. Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA (March 2016)   Canines are commonly used for various police force tasks that help a human maintain situational awareness. One area where canines provide […]

Are Behavioral Measures Useful for Detecting Cognitive Workload During Human-Computer Interaction?

Elkin-Frankston, S., Bracken, B., Irvin, S., and Jenkins, M. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering, taking place at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016),  Orlando, FL (July 2016) Commonly used techniques for measuring cognitive workload during human-computer interaction are cumbersome or intrusive to task performance. Physiological […]

SPIDER: New Technology for Constructing Sociometric Networks from Personal Network Data

Hopkins, C.1, Young, A.2,and Borgatti, S.2 Presented at the XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, CA (April 2016) During the past two decades, there has been a surge in the number of studies applying social network analysis (SNA) to the study of infectious disease transmission. The mapping of […]

Developing a Rapid Prototyping Framework for Applications that Interface with Sensor Devices

Irvin, S., Palmon, N., Jenkins, M., Bracken, B., and Elkin-Frankston, S. Presented at the Global Health and Performance Summit, Columbus, OH (May 2016) Custom applications used to collect data from sensor devices like EEG, EMG, and accelerometers are expensive and time consuming to develop. Charles River Analytics is taking advantage of the Open-Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) framework […]

A Health Belief Model Approach to Men’s Assessment of a Novel Long-acting Contraceptive

King1, A., Kaighobadi2, F., and Winecoff3, A. Cogent Medicine, 3(1), 1250320 We investigated predictors of men’s attitudes towards and intent to use Vasalgel™, a long-acting reversible male contraceptive under development. The health belief model (HBM), with additional constructs of interpersonal factors and social norms, provided the framework. Heterosexual men (N = 146) living in Upstate New York (age: […]

Decision-making and Opinion Formation in Simple Networks

Leibovich1, M., Zuckerman2, I., Pfeffer3, A., and Gal4, Y. Knowledge and Information Systems, an International Journal (September 2016) In many networked decision-making settings, information about the world is distributed across multiple agents and agents’ success depends on their ability to aggregate and reason about their local information over time. This paper presents a computational model of […]

Modular Analytics Management Architecture for Interoperability and Decision Support

Marotta, S., Metzger, M., Gorman, J., and Sliva, A. Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD (April 2016) The Dual Node Decision Wheels (DNDW) architecture is a new approach to information fusion and decision-support systems. By combining cognitive systems engineering organizational analysis tools, such as decision trees, with the Dual Node […]

Practical Probabilistic Programming

Pfeffer, A. Practical Probabilistic Programming, Manning Publications, Cherry Hill, NJ (2016) Practical Probabilistic Programming introduces the working programmer to probabilistic programming. In it, you’ll learn how to use the PP paradigm to model application domains and then express those probabilistic models in code. Although PP can seem abstract, in this book you’ll immediately work on practical examples, […]

Modeling Causality in Sociocultural Systems using Ensemble Methods

Sliva, A., Neal Reilly, S., Blumstein, D., Hookway, S., and Chamberlain, J. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Orlando, FL (July 2016) Awarded Best Paper at AHFE’s Cross-Cultural Decision-Making Conference When planning operations or designing policy interventions, military decision-makers and policy experts must have an understanding of the world […]

CAML: Machine Learning-based Predictable, System-Level Anomaly Detection

Song1, J., Fry2, G., Wu2, C., and Parmer1, G. 1st Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems, in conjunction with IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Porto, Portugal  (November 2016). Security challenges are increasing in distributed cyber-physical systems (CPSs), which integrate computation and physical processes. System security is complicated by both the temporal and safety […]

Laser Vibrometry Target Recognition Enhancement Using an Analytical Researcher’s Workbench

Stouch, D.     In Proceedings of the 2017 Military Sensing Symposium (MSS) Active Electro-Optical Systems Symposium, Gaithersberg, MD (September 2016). For More Information To learn more or request a copy of a paper (if available), contact Daniel Stouch. (Please include your name, address, organization, and the paper reference. Requests without this information will not be […]

Enhanced SSA Threat Analytics based on Probabilistic Reasoning

Stouch, D., Freedman, S., Ruttenberg, B., and Gorman, J. AFRL Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Conference, Kihei, Hawaii (September 2016). For More Information To learn more or request a copy of a paper (if available), contact Daniel Stouch. (Please include your name, address, organization, and the paper reference. Requests without this information will not be honored.)

Assessment and Diagnosis of Vestibular Indicators of Soldier Operational Readiness (ADVISOR)

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., Farry, M., and Irvin, S. Presented at the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future, San Diego, CA (April 2016) Soldiers who suffer a potentially concussive injury or barotrauma need accurate, timely, in-theater assessment of symptoms. Often this initial assessment and diagnosis must be conducted by first-level […]

Virtual Reality System for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Vestibular Indicators of Soldier Operational Readiness (ADVISOR)

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., Irvin, S., and Farry, M. Presented at NextMed / Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), Los Angeles, CA (April 2016) Soldiers who suffer a potentially concussive injury or barotrauma need accurate, timely, in-theater assessment of symptoms. Often this initial assessment and diagnosis must be conducted by first-level responders who attempt to assess vestibular symptoms […]

Migrating Real-World Stimulus to Controlled Virtual Reality Environments: Lessons Learned from Transitioning Medical Diagnostic Assessments to the Virtual Realm

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., and Farry, M. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Orlando, FL (July 2016) Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) capabilities are becoming ubiquitous, with many traditional challenges (e.g., jitter, screen door effects, cost) being overcome as a result of major investments from consumer gaming […]

Applications and Considerations of Augmented Reality Capabilities for Next Generation Human-Computer Interaction to Support Military Shared Mission Command

Wollocko, A., and Jenkins, M. Presented at Human-Computer Interaction International 2016, Toronto, Canada (July 2016) Augmented reality (AR) technology is quickly evolving and providing the capabilities needed to lead the next generation of human-computer interaction, and can be particularly useful in military situations, like Shared Mission Command (MC) and Collaborative Cockpit Displays. To enable traditional software […]

Combining Cognitive Engineering and Information Fusion Architectures to Build Effective Joint Systems

Sliva1, A., Gorman1, J., Voshell1, M., Tittle1, J., and Bowman2, C. Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD (April 2016) For effective decision making, military Command and Control (C2) requires robust situational understanding produced by translating multi-INT intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) into actionable intelligence. These information products must be delivered […]

Operational Planning using Climatological Observations for Maritime Prediction and Analysis Support Service (COMPASS)

O’Connor1, A., Kirtman2, B., Harrison1, S., and Gorman1, J. Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD (April 2016) The US Navy faces several limitations when planning operations in regard to forecasting environmental conditions. Currently, mission analysis and planning tools rely heavily on short-term (less than a week) forecasts or long-term statistical […]

Towards Card-based User Interfaces Workspaces for Group Mission Planning

Kane, S., von Kelsch, E., Voshell, M., and Kilgore, R. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work, Sanibel Island, FL (November 2016) Current mission planning interfaces are difficult to understand, cumbersome to use, and do not support the collaborative aspect of group mission planning. To address this critical shortfall, we describe in […]

BARRACUDA: An Augmented Reality Display for Increased Motorcyclist En Route Hazard Awareness

Jenkins, M. and Young, D. Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA (March 2016)       Motorcyclists face a unique set of challenges when operating on public streets and highways. In addition to hazards relevant to automobiles, motorcycle riders must remain […]

Enhancing Hazard Awareness with a Mobile Application for High Risk, High Consequence Avalanche Terrain Decisions

Gale1, K., and Jenkins2, M. Presented at the International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW), Breckenridge, CO (October 2016) The avalanche industry understands that to save lives, we need to understand human behavior. The scientific discipline most directly affiliated with human behavior is behavioral science. The avalanche industry has a unique opportunity to collaborate with behavioral science leaders […]

Investigating Performance Variability in Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination using a Socio-technical Systems Analysis Approach

Danczyk, J., Wollocko, A., Farry, M., and Voshell, M. Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD (April 2016) Data collection processes supporting intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions have recently undergone a technological transition accomplished by investment in sensor platforms. Various agencies have made these investments to increase the resolution, duration, […]

Demonstration of an Adaptable Toolkit for the Assessment and Augmentation of Performance by Teams in Real Time (ADAPTER)

Bracken1, B., Palmon1, N., Elkin-Frankston1, E., and Cooke2, N. Presented at the Global Health and Performance Summit, Columbus, OH (May 2016) Teams of individuals must multitask to perform their own work while maintaining shared attention across their teammates. Experimenters who study teams use advanced methods to understand physiological, neurophysiological, and behavioral correlates of individual and team performance, […]

A Cross-Domain Approach to Designing an Unobtrusive System to Assess Human State and Predict Upcoming Performance Deficits

Bracken, B., Palmon, N., Kellogg, L., Elkin-Frankston, S., and Farry, M. Presented at the 2016 Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (September 2016) Many work environments are fraught with highly variable demands on cognitive workload, fluctuating between periods of high operational demand to the point of cognitive overload, to long periods of low […]

Second Validation of a System to Monitor, Extract, and Decode Indicators of Cognitive Workload (MEDIC)

Bracken, B.1, Negri, A.1, Amazeen, P.3,  Likens, A.3, Fedele, M.4, Demir, M.4, Palmon, N.1, deB Frederick, B.2, and Cooke, N.4 Presented at the Medical Health Systems Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2016) Background: Military medical personnel are deployed to operational environments where their success saving lives depends on their ability to act quickly and effectively, both […]

Analysis and Comparison of Nurse and Physician Team Trauma Assessment Skills

Bauchwitz, B., Niehaus, J., and Weyhrauch, P. Presented poster at the Medical Health Systems Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2016) Background: Trauma assessment is key to patient outcomes. One approach to training trauma assessment is simulation-based training using patient scenarios to allow trainees to practice skills. Training can be individual or team-based, depending on the […]

Junctional and Inguinal Hemorrhage Simulation: Tourniquet Master Training

Kwan, C. 1, Laufer, S. 1, Contreras, M. 1, Weyhrauch, P. 2, Niehaus, J. 2, Palmon, N. 2, Bauchwitz, B. 2, Pugh, C. 1 Stud Health Technol Inform, 2016 Hemorrhages are the leading cause of potentially survivable combat mortalities when patients are unable to reach a treatment facility in time. New tourniquet devices have been developed to combat hemorrhages in the field. However, […]