Objective Sensor-based Feedback Improves Performance of Skill in Applying Junctional Hemorrhage Control Devices

Bauchwitz, B.1, Kwan, C.2, Niehaus, J.1, Pugh, C.2, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee FL (August 2017) Background Junctional and inguinal bleeding from battlefield injuries is a significant and challenging problem. Inventors have developed new devices, such as the SAM® Junctional Tourniquet (SJT) to address these injuries. While several […]

SPIDER: New Technology for Constructing Sociometric Networks from Personal Network Data

Hopkins, C.1, Young, A.2,and Borgatti, S.2 Presented at the XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, CA (April 2016) During the past two decades, there has been a surge in the number of studies applying social network analysis (SNA) to the study of infectious disease transmission. The mapping of […]

A Health Belief Model Approach to Men’s Assessment of a Novel Long-acting Contraceptive

King1, A., Kaighobadi2, F., and Winecoff3, A. Cogent Medicine, 3(1), 1250320 We investigated predictors of men’s attitudes towards and intent to use Vasalgel™, a long-acting reversible male contraceptive under development. The health belief model (HBM), with additional constructs of interpersonal factors and social norms, provided the framework. Heterosexual men (N = 146) living in Upstate New York (age: […]

Assessment and Diagnosis of Vestibular Indicators of Soldier Operational Readiness (ADVISOR)

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., Farry, M., and Irvin, S. Presented at the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future, San Diego, CA (April 2016) Soldiers who suffer a potentially concussive injury or barotrauma need accurate, timely, in-theater assessment of symptoms. Often this initial assessment and diagnosis must be conducted by first-level […]

Virtual Reality System for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Vestibular Indicators of Soldier Operational Readiness (ADVISOR)

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., Irvin, S., and Farry, M. Presented at NextMed / Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), Los Angeles, CA (April 2016) Soldiers who suffer a potentially concussive injury or barotrauma need accurate, timely, in-theater assessment of symptoms. Often this initial assessment and diagnosis must be conducted by first-level responders who attempt to assess vestibular symptoms […]

Migrating Real-World Stimulus to Controlled Virtual Reality Environments: Lessons Learned from Transitioning Medical Diagnostic Assessments to the Virtual Realm

Wollocko, A., Jenkins, M., and Farry, M. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Orlando, FL (July 2016) Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) capabilities are becoming ubiquitous, with many traditional challenges (e.g., jitter, screen door effects, cost) being overcome as a result of major investments from consumer gaming […]

Demonstration of an Adaptable Toolkit for the Assessment and Augmentation of Performance by Teams in Real Time (ADAPTER)

Bracken1, B., Palmon1, N., Elkin-Frankston1, E., and Cooke2, N. Presented at the Global Health and Performance Summit, Columbus, OH (May 2016) Teams of individuals must multitask to perform their own work while maintaining shared attention across their teammates. Experimenters who study teams use advanced methods to understand physiological, neurophysiological, and behavioral correlates of individual and team performance, […]

Second Validation of a System to Monitor, Extract, and Decode Indicators of Cognitive Workload (MEDIC)

Bracken, B.1, Negri, A.1, Amazeen, P.3,  Likens, A.3, Fedele, M.4, Demir, M.4, Palmon, N.1, deB Frederick, B.2, and Cooke, N.4 Presented at the Medical Health Systems Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2016) Background: Military medical personnel are deployed to operational environments where their success saving lives depends on their ability to act quickly and effectively, both […]

Analysis and Comparison of Nurse and Physician Team Trauma Assessment Skills

Bauchwitz, B., Niehaus, J., and Weyhrauch, P. Presented poster at the Medical Health Systems Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2016) Background: Trauma assessment is key to patient outcomes. One approach to training trauma assessment is simulation-based training using patient scenarios to allow trainees to practice skills. Training can be individual or team-based, depending on the […]

Junctional and Inguinal Hemorrhage Simulation: Tourniquet Master Training

Kwan, C. 1, Laufer, S. 1, Contreras, M. 1, Weyhrauch, P. 2, Niehaus, J. 2, Palmon, N. 2, Bauchwitz, B. 2, Pugh, C. 1 Stud Health Technol Inform, 2016 Hemorrhages are the leading cause of potentially survivable combat mortalities when patients are unable to reach a treatment facility in time. New tourniquet devices have been developed to combat hemorrhages in the field. However, […]