Preliminary Usability Evaluation of a Virtual Reality (VR) Application for Quitting Nicotine Vaping
Bethany K. Bracken1, Phillip C. Desrochers1, Ian McAbee1, Nicolette M. McGeorge1, Susan Latiff1, Bradly T. Stone1, Dan T. Duggan1, Corinne Cather2, and A. Eden Evins2 Presented at BIOSTEC 2025. 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (February 2025) AWARDED BEST POSTER CERTIFICATE Nicotine vaping is a global problem. Limited vaping cessation interventions […]
Influence of chronic stress on network states governing valence processing: Potential relevance to the risk for psychiatric illnesses
Pantelis Antonoudiou1, Bradly T. Stone2, Phillip L. W. Colmers1, Aidan Evans-Strong1, Najah Walton1, Jamie Maguire1 Neuroendocrinol, Volume 35, Issue 9. April 2023. Stress is a common seizure trigger that has been implicated in worsening epilepsy outcomes, which encompasses psychiatric and cognitive comorbidities and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) risk. The neuroendocrine response to stress […]
Early life stress influences epilepsy outcomes in mice
Emanuel M. Coleman1, Maya White1, Pantelis Antonoudiou1, Grant L. Weiss1, Garrett Scarpa1, Bradly Stone2, Jamie Maguire1 Epilepsy & Behavior, Volume 163, 2025, 110217, ISSN 1525-5050, September 2024 Stress is a common seizure trigger that has been implicated in worsening epilepsy outcomes, which encompasses psychiatric and cognitive comorbidities and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) risk. […]
Biased Information Routing Through the Basolateral Amygdala, Altered Valence Processing, and Impaired Affective States Associated with Psychiatric Illnesses
Pantelis Antonoudiou1, Eric Teboul1, Kenneth A. Amaya1, Bradly T. Stone2, Kaitlyn E. Dorst1, Jamie Maguire1 Biological Psychiatry, ISSN 0006-3223, October 2024 Accumulating evidence supports a role for altered circuit function in impaired valence processing and altered affective states as a core feature of psychiatric illnesses. We review the circuit mechanisms underlying normal valence processing and […]
Experience-dependent information routing through the basolateral amygdala shapes behavioral outcomes
Pantelis Antonoudiou1, Bradly T. Stone2, Phillip L.W. Colmers1, Aidan Evans-Strong1, Eric Teboul3, Najah L. Walton3, Grant L. Weiss1, Jamie Maguire1 Elsevier Inc., CellPress, Volume 43, Issue 7, 114489, July 23, 2024 It is well established that the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is an emotional processing hub that governs a diverse repertoire of behaviors. Selective engagement of […]
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Augmented Reality Just-in-Time Guidance for the Performance of Rugged Field Procedures
Laurel O’Connor, MD;1 Sepahrad Zamani, MS;1 Xinyi Ding;1 Nicolette McGeorge, PhD;2 Susan Latiff, PhD;2 Cindy Liu;2 Jorge Acevedo Herman, MD;1 Matthew LoConte, MD;1 Andrew Milsten, MD;1 Michael Weiner, MD;1 Timothy Boardman, MD;1 Martin Reznek, MD;1 Michael Hall, MD;1 John P. Broach, MD1 Cambridge University Press on behalf of World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (07 May 2024) Introduction: Medical resuscitations in rugged prehospital settings […]
Digitizing Survivorship Care Plans Through the POST-Treatment Health Outcomes of Cancer Survivors (POSTHOC) Mobile App: Protocol for a Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial
Kaitlin H Chung1,2*; Shari M Youngblood1,3*, DCN, CNS, LDN; Carin L Clingan1, MS, CNS, LDN; Dana C Deighton4, BA; Virginia A Jump5,6, MSN, CRNP; Thushini Manuweera1, PhD; Nicolette M McGeorge7, PhD; Cynthia L Renn1, RN, PhD; Paula Y Rosenblatt4,5,8, MD; Aaron T Winder7, PhD; Shijun Zhu9, PhD, DrE; Ian R Kleckner1,4, MPH, PhD; Amber S […]
Assessment and Diagnosis of Vestibular Indicators of Soldiers’ Operational Readiness (ADVISOR)
Phillip C. Desrochers1, Daniel Duggan1, Howard Rafal1, Erin Williams2, Valerie Yunis2, Michael Hoffer2 Poster presented at the 15th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, Boston, MA (5-6 May 2024) Background: Over the last 20 years, mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) has become a significant health problem for both military personnel and civilians. mTBI is one of […]
Excretory/Secretory Proteome of Females and Males of the Hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum
Pathogens, 06 January 2023 10.3390/pathogens12010095 Samuel C. Uzoechi1, Bruce A. Rosa1, Kumar Sachin Singh1, Young-Jun Choi1, Bethany K. Bracken2, Paul J. Brindley3 , R. Reid Townsend4, Robert Sprung4, Bin Zhan5, Maria-Elena Bottazzi5, John M. Hawdon3, Yide Wong6, Alex Loukas6, Sergej Djuranovic7 and Makedonka Mitreva1* Intricate molecular communication between schistosome flatworms and their mammalian host, […]
Augmented Reality Technology to Facilitate Proficiency in Emergency Medical Procedures
Laurel O’Connor1, Sepahrad Zamani1, Liam Porter2, Nicolette McGeorge3, Susan Latiff3, Timothy Boardman1, Matthew Loconte1, Michael Weiner1, Eileen McGarry1, Felipe Pina1, Jorge Acevedo Hermaan1, Andrew Milsten1, Martin Reznek1, John Broach1 In Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii. (January 2023) Background: Augmented reality (AR) conveys an experience during which the user’s real-time […]
Assessing Situation Awareness (SA) Using Single- or Dual-Location Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Bethany K. Bracken1, Aaron Winder1, Brandon Hager1, Mica R. Endsley2, and Elena K. Festa3 Presented at BIOSTEC 2023. 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (February 2023) To operate effectively across a variety of environments, personnel (e.g., air traffic controllers, pilots, truck drivers, emergency response crews) need to be trained to the […]
Differential Excretory/Secretory Proteome of the Adult Female and Male Stages of the Human Blood Fluke, Schistosoma mansoni
Frontiers in Parasitology, 18 July 2022, doi: 10.3389/fpara.2022.950744 Eric T. Kenney1, Victoria H. Mann1, Wannaporn Ittiprasert1, Bruce A. Rosa2, Makedonka Mitreva2, Bethany K. Bracken3, Alex Loukas4, Paul J. Brindley1 and Javier Sotillo5 Intricate molecular communication between schistosome flatworms and their mammalian host, as well as between paired male and female schistosomes has shaped the secreted […]
Design and Development of a Prototype Heads-up Display that Supports Context-aware, Semi-automated, Hands-free Medical Documentation
McGeorge, N., Latiff, S., Muller, C., Dong, L., Chewning, C., Friedson-Trujillo, D., and Kane, S. International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, HFES, 2021, Virtual Symposium. Military and civilian medical personnel across all echelons of medical care play a critical role in evaluating, caring for, and treating casualties. Accurate medical documentation is […]
The Sociospatial Factors of Death: Analyzing Effects of Geospatially-distributed Variables in a Bayesian Mortality Model for Hong Kong
Alshaabi, T.1,2,4, Dewhurst, D.1,2,3, Bagrow, J.1,5, Dodds, P.1,2,4, Danforth, C.1,2,5 PLoS ONE 16(3): e0247795 (March 2021) Human mortality is in part a function of multiple socioeconomic factors that differ both spatially and temporally. Adjusting for other covariates, the human lifespan is positively associated with household wealth. However, the extent to which mortality in a geographical […]
Exploring the Complexities of Trauma Care Flow and Documentation
Patel, D.1, Pruitt, Z.1, Romero Barrientos, R.1, McEwen, T.2, Metzger, M.2, and Fong, A.1 The Human Factors 64th International Annual Meeting (October 2020). Trauma care is complex as severe injuries happen unexpectedly, may not immediately present symptoms, and may require assessment by multiple providers to improve outcomes. This work aims to explore the complexities of […]
Designing Serious Games to Train Medical Team Skills
McDermott, A., Niehaus, J., and Weyhrauch, P. Virtual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (vI/ITSEC) (November 2020) More access to effective medical team training across the DoD can significantly improve patient outcomes and save lives (Hughes et al., 2016). The DoD and medical communities need implementations of team training protocols that do not require extensive time […]
Performance Assessment in a Virtual Simulation for Integrated Austere Medical Operations Training
Bauchwitz, B.1, Makivic, M.1, Manning, W.1, Niehaus, J.1, Broach, J.2, Lancette, P.2,3, Garrison, C.4, Ritter, F.4, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Virtual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (vI/ITSEC) (November 2020) The DoD is preparing for future austere environments where it will not be possible to sustain the current level of medical operations across the chain of […]
Development of Human-Out-of-the-Loop Participant Recruitment, Data Collection, Data Handling, and Participant Management System
Bracken, B.1, Potoczny-Jones, I.2, Wolcott, J.2, Raffaele, E.2, Woodward, L.2, Gogoel, C.3, Kiourtis, N.3, Schulte, B.3, Arean, P.4, and Farry, M.1 Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (November 2020) Most human subjects research requires data collection by contacting local participants who visit a research site. This is costly, time-consuming, and decreases subject […]
Continuous Cognitive Workload Assessment and Combined Metrics of Performance in the Multi-Attribute Task Battery

Bracken, B.1, Endsley, M.2, Tobyne, S.1, Leather, C.1, and Farry, M.1 Presented at the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE), San Diego, CA (July 2020) Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive workload (e.g., changes in brain blood oxygenation) are detectable with minimally-invasive wearable sensors including functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). When cognitive […]
Evaluation of a New Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Sensor, the fNIRS Explorer™, and Software to Assess Cognitive Workload During Ecologically Valid Tasks

Bracken, B.1, Houssan, C.2, Broach, J.2, Milsten, A.2, Leather, C.1, Tobyne, S.1, Winder, A.1, and Farry, M.1 Presented at BIOSTEC 2020, 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Valletta, Malta (February 2020) Medical personnel and first responders are often deployed to dangerous environments where their success at saving lives depends on their ability to […]
A Human Factors Approach to Networked Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Interactions with Physiologically-Driven Believable Agents

Kingsley, C. and Jenkins, M. 2019 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) International Conference, Washington, DC (July 2019) Charles River Analytics has been leading numerous research and development efforts within the Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) domains, collectively Extended Reality (XR), including an exploration of the human factors considerations for […]
A Toolkit to Help Integrate Humans with Virtual Environments, Intelligent Simulations (FSMs), and Artificial Cognitive Systems (NPCs)

Kingsley, C. and Jenkins, M. Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI) International Conference, San Diego, CA (February 2019) Charles River Analytics is developing an open-source, Unity-based Extended Reality (XR) SDK for development of immersive simulations, currently focused on medical simulations. Our work-to-date has focused on integrating humans into virtual environments through enhanced […]
UX Design of a Multi-User Mixed Smartphone and Virtual Reality Medical Diagnostic Application

Kingsley, C., Wollocko, A., Leather, C., Young, D., and Jenkins, M. 2019 Health Care Symposium of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL (March 2019) Summary: This poster will present an overview of the design process used to generate a positive user experience and intuitive workflow for a smartphone application designed to diagnose mTBI at or […]
Targeting Separate Specific Learning Parameters Underlying Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Improve Perceptual Judgments of Anger

Lynn, S.1, Bui, E.2, Hoeppner, S.2, O’Day, E.3, Palitz, S.3, Barnett, L.4, and Simon, N.5 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Volumne 65 (2019) Background and objectives: Anxiety disorders are characterized by biased perceptual judgment. An experimental model using simple verbal instruction to target specific decision parameters that influence perceptual judgment was developed to […]
Neutral Face and Complex Object Neurophysiological Processing Deficits in Long-Term Schizophrenia and in First Hospitalized Schizophrenia-Spectrum Individuals

Salisbury, D.1, Krompinger, J.2, Lynn, S.3, Onitsuka, T.2, and McCarley, R.2 International Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 140 (2019) Background: Face processing is impaired in long-term schizophrenia as indexed by a reduced face-related N170 event-related potential (ERP) that corresponds with volumetric decreases in right fusiform gyrus. Impairment in face processing may constitute an object-specific deficit in schizophrenia that relates […]
How to Develop New Biosignals Based Products: PLUX Approach to Design New Products Based on Human Biosignals

Plux Wireless Signals and Bracken, B. Access to human physiological, neurophysiological, and behavioral signals (biosignals) can revolutionize health solutions, scientific research across multiple fields, and everyday interaction between the digital and human worlds (e.g., through the internet of things, “smart” technologies, smartphone apps). One of the earliest capabilities to extract biosignals from humans were ECG recordings. Since then technology […]
Physiological Indices of Challenge and Threat: A Data-Driven Investigation of Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity During an Active Coping Stressor Task

Wormwood, J.1, Khan, Z.2, Siegel, E.3, Lynn, S.4, Dy, J.2, Barrett, K.2, and Quigley, K2. Psychophysiology (August 2019) We utilized a data‐driven, unsupervised machine learning approach to examine patterns of peripheral physiological responses during a motivated performance context across two large, independent data sets, each with multiple peripheral physiological measures. Results revealed that patterns of […]
Psychological Impact of Mass Violence Depends on Affective Tone of Media

Wormwood, J.1, Lin, Y.2, Lynn, S.3 4, Barrett L.4 5, and Quigley, K.4 6 PLOS ONE 14(4): e0213891 (April 2019) Exposure to media coverage of mass violence has been shown to predict poorer mental health symptomology. However, it is unknown whether such media coverage can have ubiquitous effects on average community members, extending to biological and […]
Use of a Portable Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) System to Examine Team Experience During Crisis Event Management in Clinical Simulations

Xu, J.1, Slagle, J.2, Banerjee, A.3, Bracken, B.4, and Weinger, M.5 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (05 March 2019) Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the utilization of a portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system, the fNIRS PioneerTM, to examine team experience in high-fidelity simulation-based crisis event management (CEM) training for anesthesiologists in operating rooms. Background: Effective […]
Application of the DeepSense Deep Learning Framework to Determination of Activity Context from Smartphone Data

Bracken, B., Manjunath, S., German, S., Monnier, C., and Farry, M. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 792-796 (November 2019) Current methods of assessing health are infrequent, costly, and require advanced medical equipment. 92% of US adults carry mobile phones, and 77% carry smartphones with advanced sensors (Smith, 2017). […]
Characterizing the Limits of Visual Field Augmentation in Augmented Reality: Psychophysical Foundations for Design and Mode Transition Acclimation Strategies

Jenkins, M., Kingsley, C., and Flowers, B.A. Panel Presentation at the 22nd Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference, New Orleans, LA (March 2019) The impact of augmented reality displays on the human perceptual system will vary across headsets. Because of this, the display used for any solution should be selected with an awareness of the interaction between the […]
Modeling Framework Used to Analyze and Describe Junctional Tourniquet Skills

Bauchwitz, B.1, Curley, T.1, Kwan, C.2, Niehaus, J.1, Pugh., C.2, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Military Medicine, Volume 184, Issue Supplement 1, Pages 347–360 (March-April 2019) Medical educators have acknowledged the importance of simulation training in developing procedural skills. While simulation training in other disciplines has benefitted from evaluations of users’ skill acquisition, the majority of medical training […]
A Computer-Based Tutor to Teach Nursing Trauma Care that Works as an Adjunct to High Fidelity Simulation

Garrison, C.1, Ritter, F. E.2, Bauchwitz, B.3, Neihaus, J.3, and Weyhrauch, P.3 Presented at the 19th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Antonio, TX (January 2019) Introduction: Educators are challenged to prepare nurses to care for low volume, high acuity clinical problems such as trauma. It is difficult to provide learners with hands-on practice without compromising the quality of […]
Automation Support using non-Invasive Measures of Operator Vocalization (ASIMOV)
Elkin-Frankston, S.1, Leather, C.1, Bracken, B.1, and van Mersbergen, M.2 To be presented at the 11th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB 2018), East Lansing, MI (July 2018). Heightened states of arousal can be investigated using electroglottography (EGG) contact quotient, as well as other measures of vocalization, such as surface laryngeal electromyography (sEMG), […]
Strengthening Health and Improving Emotional Defenses (SHIELD)
Elkin-Frankston, S., Wollocko, A., and Niehaus, J. In: Schmorrow D., Fidopiastis C. (eds) Augmented Cognition: Users and Contexts. AC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10916. Springer, Cham (03 June 2018) Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, and meditation can be used to gain more control of how individuals respond to stressful situations. While these techniques are becoming […]
Development of Virtual Simulations for Medical Team Training: An Evaluation of Key Features
Howe, J.1, Puthumana, J.1, Hoffman, D.1, Kowalski, R.1, Weldon, D.1, Miller, K.1, Weyhrauch, P.2, Niehaus, J.2, Bauchwitz2, B., McDermott, A.2, and Ratwani, R.1 Poster presentation for the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Boston, MA (March 2018) Teamwork is an important factor in reducing medical errors and increasing clinical efficiency. Medical […]
Using Design to Connect Patients, Providers, and Researchers: A Cognitive Assessment and Monitoring Platform for Integrative Research (CAMPFIRE)
Jacobs, P., Anello, D., and Elkin-Frankston, S. Presented at the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Orlando, FL (July 2018). There is a substantial need for an accessible suite of cognitive tests to assess and monitor signs of chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment during the treatment and survivorship phases of the cancer control continuum. […]
Enabling Military Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Simulations with a Flexible Peripheral Framework and Automated Assessments
Jenkins, M., Irvin, S., Wong-Faull, D., and Bird, L. Presented at the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Orlando, FL (July 2018). The military virtual training and simulation market is forecast to be a $6B+ market through 2020, driven by the increasing immersiveness of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed […]
Design of a Multimodal Interface Solution to Facilitate Nonmedical User Mediation of TBI Screening Using Virtual Reality
Presented at the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Boston, MA (March 2018). Vestibular dysfunction (VD) commonly accompanies traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Assessments of VD are currently only conducted in clinical settings by highly trained medical professionals (e.g., otolaryngologists). These professionals use either: (1) subjective assessments requiring specific expertise to expose […]
Modeling Perceptual Judgement in Believable Agents: A Signal Detection Approach
Lynn, S.1, Curley, T.2, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Presented at the joint annual meetings of the Society for Mathematical Psychology and the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, Madison, WI (July 2018). A Warfighter in a combat environment is expected to continuously search his or her visual field to maintain situational awareness. Misidentification of relevant stimuli, such […]
Predict and Analyze Novel and Emerging Diseases Enabled by Models of Infection Conditions
Prue, B.1, Voge, J.1, Mara, J.1, Wollocko, A.1, and Mekaru, S.2 Poster presentation at the International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2018), Las Vegas, NV (July 2018) Incidents of infectious disease pose serious threats to armed forces worldwide, risking the success of critical operations and the deaths of Warfighters. Force medical personnel require support to […]
Predict and Analyze Novel and Emerging Diseases Enabled by Models of Infection Conditions
Prue, B.1, Voge, J.1, Mara, J.1, Wollocko, A.1, and Mekaru, S.2 Poster presentation at the International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2018), Las Vegas, NV (July 2018) Incidents of infectious disease pose serious threats to armed forces worldwide, risking the success of critical operations and the deaths of Warfighters. Force medical personnel require support to […]
Reduced Interference in Working Memory Following Mindfulness Training is Associated with Increases in Hippocampal Volume
Greenberg, J., Romero, V., Elkin-Frankston, S., Bezdek, M., Schumacher, E., and Lazar, S. In Brain Imaging and Behavior, Springer US, 1931-7565 (2018). Proactive interference occurs when previously relevant information interferes with retaining newer material. Overcoming proactive interference has been linked to the hippocampus and deemed critical for cognitive functioning. However, little is known about whether and how this ability […]
No Evidence of Cognitive Improvement following tDCS-enhanced Mindfulness Meditation or Game-Based Brain Training
Elkin-Frankston, S.1, Lieberman, G.2,3,4,5, Guarino, S.1, Eusebi, L.1, Bezdek, M.6, Hunter, M.2,3, Lazar, S.7, Witkiewitz, K.2, Clark, V.2,3, Schumacher, E.6, and Romero, V.1 The 4th Annual BRAIN Initiatve Investigators Meeting, Rockville, MD (April 2018). Measures of fluid intelligence are highly predictive of performance across a wide range of contexts, including academic performance and career success, […]
Development and Refinement of a Portable, Durable, Rugged Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Device
Bracken, B.1, Silva, F.2, Pacheco, M.2, deB Frederick, B.3, Palmon, N.1, and Leather, C.1 To be presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2018) Background: Army medic training often includes high-fidelity simulations. Trainers currently infer competence by observation alone—a challenging task. Assessing cognitive workload using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) when individuals are seated […]
Development and Validation of a Portable, Durable, Rugged Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Device
Bracken, B.1, Festa, E.2, Sun, H.2, Leather, C.1, Strangman, G.3, Palmon, N.1, Silva, F.4, Pacheco, M.4, and deB Frederick, B.5 Presented at the International Neuroergonomics Conference, Philadelphia, PA (June 2018) Background Assessing cognitive workload using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in labs is well established. Increased workload corresponds with increase in prefrontal blood oxygenation (HbO2) correlated with […]
Development and Refinement of a Portable, Durable, Rugged Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Device
Bracken, B.1, Festa, E.2, Sun, H.2, Leather, C.1, Strangman, G.3, Palmon, N.1, Pacheco, M.4, Silva, F.4, and deB Frederick, B.5 Presented at the 2018 Brain Health and Performance Summit, Columbus, OH (April 2018) Army medic training often includes high-fidelity simulations. Trainers currently infer competence by observation alone—a challenging task. Assessing cognitive workload using functional near-infrared […]
Modeling and Comparing Nurse and Physician Trauma Assessment Skills
Bauchwitz, B., Niehaus, J., and Weyhrauch, P. Military Medicine, Volume 183, Issue suppl_1, 1 March 2018, Pages 47–54 (April 2018). Medical providers must master a large number of complicated tasks to deliver quality care and minimize unwanted clinical outcomes. In order to optimally train these tasks, medical training systems would benefit from models of skill […]
Development of Screen-based Simulation Content for Training and Assessing Trauma Nursing Proficiency
Bauchwitz, B.1, Jastrzembski, T.2, Millwater, T.2, Gunzelmann, G.2, Niehaus, J.1, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL (August 2018) Background: Trauma care is crucial to the DoD, but current training may be non-optimal. Military medical providers typically receive classroom instruction in courses such as the Trauma Nurse Core Course […]
Thematic Issues in Analysis and Visualization of Hospital Emergency Department Patient Flow
Bauchwitz1, B., Lynn1, S., Weyhrauch1, P., Ratwani2, R., Mosby2, D., Howe2, J., and Niehaus1, J. Poster presentation for the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Boston, MA (March 2018) Bottlenecks in patient care within the emergency department (ED) are a growing concern for hospitals around the country. Most trauma centers operate […]
Comparison of a Custom Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Sensor, a Peripheral SpO2 Sensor, and a Standard Laboratory Sensor (Biopac) for RR-Interval Assessment
Bracken, B.1, Amazeen, G.2, Likens, A.2, Demir, M.2, and Gibbons, C.2 Presented at the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018), Funchal, Portugal (January 2018) Across many careers, individuals face alternating periods of high and low cognitive workload which can impair cognitive function and undermine job performance. We have designed and […]
Modeling Junctional Tourniquet Skills from Empirical Data
Bauchwitz, B.1, Kwan, C.2, Curley, T.3 Niehaus, J.1, Pugh, C.2, and Weyhrauch, P.1 Presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee FL (August 2017) Background The control of junctional hemorrhage, a serious life-threatening issue facing combat personnel, has benefited from recent technological advances such as the development of the SAM® Junctional Tourniquet (SJT) and Abdominal […]
A System to Monitor, Extract, and Decode Indicators of Cognitive Workload (MEDIC) in Realistic, High-motion Environments
Bracken, B.1, Elkin-Frankston, S.1, Palmon, N.1, deB Frederick, B.2 Presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL (August 2017). Background Army medic training often includes high-fidelity simulations. Trainers currently infer competence by observation alone—a challenging task. We designed a system to continuously monitor physiological proxies for cognitive workload to augment performance observations. Assessing cognitive […]
A System to Monitor Cognitive Workload in Naturalistic, High-motion Environments
Bracken, B.1, Elkin-Frankston, S.1, Palmon, N1, Farry, M.1, and deB Frederick, B.2 Presented at the 1st International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2017), Dublin, Ireland (June 2017) Across many careers, individuals face alternating periods of high and low attention and cognitive workload can impair cognitive function and undermine job performance. We have […]
An Unobtrusive System to Measure, Assess, and Predict Cognitive Workload in Real-world Environments
Bracken, B., Palmon, N., Elkin-Frankston, S., Irvin, S., Jenkins, M., and Farry, M. Keynote presented at BIOSTEC 2017, the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Porto, Portugal (February 2017) Across many careers, individuals face alternating periods of high and low attention and cognitive workload, which can result in impaired cognitive functioning and […]
A Toolkit to Assist Researchers to More Efficiently Conduct Experiments Assessing Human State
Bracken, B., Palmon, N., Koelle, D., and Farry, M. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, Austin, TX (October 2017) For teams to perform effectively, individuals must focus on their own tasks, while simultaneously maintaining awareness of other team members. Researchers studying and attempting to optimize performance of teams as well as […]
Cognitive Assessment and Monitoring Platform For Integrative Research (CAMPFIRE)
Elkin-Frankston, S. Presented at the 2017 HealthMeasures User Conference, Chicago, IL (September 2017) Over 14.5 million individuals in the United States today either live with or have a history of cancer (American Cancer Society, 2016). Thanks to rapid advances in cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and other targeted biological therapies, an estimated 19 million cancer […]
Strengthening Health and Improving Emotional Defenses (SHIELD)
Elkin-Frankston, S., Niehaus, J., and Wollocko, A. Presented at the Second Annual Global Brain Health and Performance Summit, Columbus, Ohio (April 2017) The psychological stress experienced by Marines has a profound impact on health and performance that reaches beyond the individual; it affects job performance, interactions with family and peers. The DoD has devoted substantial resources […]
Virtual Patient Simulation with Objective Metrics for Primary and Secondary Trauma Assessment
Weyhrauch, P.1, Niehaus, J.1, Bauchwitz, B.1, Broach, J.2, Lancette, P.J.2,3, and Ritter, F.E.4 Presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee FL (August 2017) Background One commonly used approach to training trauma assessment and other emergency medicine skills is simulation-based training, allowing trainees to practice their skills with simulated patient scenarios. This approach often […]
Cognitive Control and Neuroeconomics
Winecoff, A. and Huettel, S. In T. Egner (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Cognitive Control. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2017). The field of neuroeconomics aims to answer questions related to the neural mechanisms of reward function, decision making, risk and uncertainty processing in both social and non-social situations. Though neuroeconomics shares common […]