Translators as Information Seekers: Strategies and Novel Techniques
Dr. Ming Qian HCI International, Virtual (July 2023) Translators search for information to resolve various types of uncertainties they face such as confirming the source of original texts, gaining proper understanding, and verifying whether the selected keywords are spelled correctly, commonly used, or matched properly between source and target languages. Under the constraints of tighter […]
A Joint, Adaptive, Robust Visualization and Interaction System for AI-Enabled, Symbiotic Cyber-Physical System Design
Ryan Kilgore, David Koelle, Matthew Miller, Amanda Warren, Gabrielle Loeff and Nicholas Alico Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024), Washington, DC (July 2024). A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a collection of physical and computer components that are integrated with each other to operate a process safely and efficiently. Artificial intelligence […]
Enabling Human-centered Machine Translation Using Concept-based Large Language Model Prompting and Translation Memory
Dr. Ming Qian Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024), Washington, DC (July 2024). This study evaluates a novel human-machine collaborative machine translation workflow, enhanced by Large Language Model features, including pre-editing instructions, interactive concept-based post-editing, and the archiving of concepts in post-editing and translation memories. By implementing GPT-4 prompts for […]
CrowdSim: A Generative Model of Crowdsourced Survey Responses
Michael Lepori, Derek Thayer, Sean Guarino, Leonard Eusebi Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (1 December 2021) Career development relies on an understanding of possible future roles, available training experiences, and current skills. To target training where it will be most effective, trainees and instructors must understand how these elements interact, which […]
Towards a Human-in-the-Loop System for Authoring Game AI using Behavior Languages
Erica Kleinman1, Spencer Lynn2, Bryan Loyall2, Magy Seif El-Nasr3 In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. Lisbon, Portugal (April 2023) As games get more complicated, Artificially Intelligent (AI) agents need to be better developed to understand and replicate complex, goal-oriented, reactive behaviors. Many existing behavior language approaches do not […]
A Pilot Study Comparing Two Naturalistic Gesture-Based Interaction Interfaces to Support VR-Based Public Health Laboratory Training
Voge, J., Flowers, B., Herrera, N., Duggan D., and Wollocko, A. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Atlanta, GA (March 2020) Training opportunities for public health laboratories (PHLs) are limited, and traditional wet laboratory training is expensive and potentially hazardous. Virtual reality presents a promising complement to existing training and provides the […]
Predictive Text Encourages Predictable Writing
Arnold, K.1, Chauncey, K.2, and Gajos, K.3 IUI ’20: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (March 2020) Intelligent text entry systems, including the now-ubiquitous predictive keyboard, can make text entry more efficient, but little is known about how these systems affect the content that people write. To study how predictive text […]
Cognitive Task Analysis Methods in Envisioned Tactical Command Decision Making
McGeorge, N., Kane, S., and Muller, C. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 262-266 (November 2019) The battlespace is a volatile and complex environment in which tactical commanders face cognitively challenging responsibilities, compounded with the increased complexity of emerging cyber warfare. It is critical that tactical commanders gain adequate situation […]
Psychological Impact of Mass Violence Depends on Affective Tone of Media
Wormwood, J.1, Lin, Y.2, Lynn, S.3 4, Barrett L.4 5, and Quigley, K.4 6 PLOS ONE 14(4): e0213891 (April 2019) Exposure to media coverage of mass violence has been shown to predict poorer mental health symptomology. However, it is unknown whether such media coverage can have ubiquitous effects on average community members, extending to biological and […]