Cyber Reactive Adversary Framework for Training
Sean Guarino1, William Norsworthy1, David Kelle1, John Steigerwald1, Timothy Ho1, Dorsey Wilkin2 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida (29 November 2023) Networks have become a critical background for military operations as adversaries and hackers become increasingly prolific and proficient at cyber warfare. Despite this, cyber training has remained focused on large-scale exercise […]
Cyberattack Grammars for Risk/Cost Analysis
Patten, T., Mitchell, D., and Call, C. ICCWS 2020 : 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Norfolk, VA (March 2020). In practice, mitigating cyber risk involves economic analysis—it is not realistic to eliminate all risk, so the goal is to find the most cost-effective mitigations for the most significant risks. This economic analysis, […]
Cognitive Task Analysis Methods in Envisioned Tactical Command Decision Making
McGeorge, N., Kane, S., and Muller, C. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 262-266 (November 2019) The battlespace is a volatile and complex environment in which tactical commanders face cognitively challenging responsibilities, compounded with the increased complexity of emerging cyber warfare. It is critical that tactical commanders gain adequate situation […]
Understanding Cyberattack Behaviors with Sentiment Information on Social Media
Shu, K.2, Sliva, A.1, Sampson, J.2, and Liu, H.2 Presented at the 2018 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), Washington DC, USA (July 2018) In today’s increasingly connected world, cyberattacks have become a serious threat with detrimental effects on individuals, businesses,and broader society. Truly mitigating […]
Leveraging Systemic Functional Grammars for Script Analysis and Understanding Human Behavior
Sliva, A., Call, C., and Patten, T. Presented at the 45th International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFC 2018), Boston, MA (July 2018). In sociolinguistics, it is desirable to understand not only social-functional aspects of language, but also the broader social and behavioral landscape. In psychology, script theory posits that human behavior follows discernable patterns, or “scripts,” […]
Designing a Pragmatic Graphical Grammar
Eusebi, L., and Guarino, S. Presented at the 2017 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA), Savannah, GA (March 2017) Modern adversaries have become more proficient in conducting cyberattacks against our military’s command and control (C2) infrastructure. To maintain security against these threats, operators perform a range of high-fidelity security assessments of […]
Predicting Signatures of Future Malware Variants
Howard, M., Pfeffer, A., Dalal, M., and Reposa, M. The 12th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE 2017) One of the challenges of malware defense is that the attacker has the advantage over the defender. In many cases, an attack is successful and causes damage before the defender can even begin to prepare […]
Probabilistic Modeling of Insider Threat Detection Systems
Ruttenberg, B.1, Blumstein, D.1, Druce, J.1, Howard, M.1, Reed, F.1, Wilfong, L.2, Lister, C.2, Gaskin, S.3, Foley, M.4, and Scofield, D.4 Presented at The Fourth International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2017), Santa Barbara, CA (August 2017) Due to the high consequences of poorly performing automated insider threat detection systems (ITDSs), it is advantageous […]
Hybrid Modeling of Cyber Adversary Behavior
Sliva, A., Guarino, S., Weyhrauch, P., Galvin, P., Mitchell, D., Campolongo, J., and Taylor, T. Presented at the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction, Washington, DC (July 2017). Cyber adversaries continue to become more proficient and sophisticated, increasing the vulnerability of the network systems that pervade all aspects of our lives. While there are […]
CAML: Machine Learning-based Predictable, System-Level Anomaly Detection
Song1, J., Fry2, G., Wu2, C., and Parmer1, G. 1st Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems, in conjunction with IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Porto, Portugal (November 2016). Security challenges are increasing in distributed cyber-physical systems (CPSs), which integrate computation and physical processes. System security is complicated by both the temporal and safety […]