Training advancements on an individualized timeline

One-size-fits-all training programs can waste time and resources when all students have to follow the same learning path. Our KWYN® Optimizing Scheduler increases training program effectiveness by accelerating student throughput, saving classroom or simulation time, and reducing training costs—all while maintaining training quality.
The KWYN Optimizing Scheduler, now with the Proficiency Advance Feature, ingests and analyzes training data to provide evidence-based recommendations about the best sequence of training events. Our scheduler algorithm simplifies complexity; it enables schedules to be created in seconds and allows for fine-tuning of operations as needed.
The Proficiency Advance Feature assesses a student’s skill levels across classes and training events to estimate the student’s ability to advance within the program based on proficiency rather than the current syllabus’s fixed timeline. With this feature, more proficient students can advance rapidly while others spend more time solidifying required skills.

How it works
The Optimizing Scheduler
Automatically pulls students’ schedules and event scores from learning management systems.
Recommends customized learning pathways, within different training modalities, based on demonstrated proficiency to avoid needless repetition of instruction and unnecessary expenses.
Evaluates combinations of students, instructors, and resources to create an organization-wide training schedule optimized for each individual’s needs.

Dr. Peter Weyhrauch
Principal Scientist and Vice President
Human-Centered AI Division
Intuitive analytics
The KWYN Optimizing Scheduler provides intuitive analytics, including reports and data visualization tools that allow users to analyze training data and make informed recommendations about their training program.

Optimize daily training schedules over time, resources, and constraints.

Assess training system ROI against simulation fidelity and other factors.
Key advantages
Provides an evidence-based analysis that helps you optimize training sequences.
Offers an AI-powered analysis of your organization’s data to help you identify current students who can advance in training.
Allows your organization to make wise, evidence-based investments in training systems to maximize ROI.
Contact us to learn more about KWYN’s Optimizing Scheduler and our other adaptive intelligent training efforts.
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On the job, the KWYN® AI platform augments skills through intelligent guidance and coaching.