An adaptive digital flashcard app that integrates with the
Marine Corps eLearning ecosystem

An adaptive digital flashcard app that integrates with the Marine Corps eLearning ecosystem

Adaptive Flashcard integrated with Moodle for the Marine Corps eLearning ecosystem

•  Adaptive flashcard app
•  Currently integrated with Moodle
•  Enables secure control of your data and content
•  Helps you learn, retain, and review information

KWYN® MASTERY helps Marines accelerate learning and improve retention of foundational knowledge. This digital flashcard app provides an adaptive learning engine through a user-friendly interface. It enables instructors to bring principles of intelligent tutoring to their courses so that Marines can quickly and effectively learn essential material.

“KWYN® MASTERY makes it easy for Marine Corps instructors to bring principles of intelligent tutoring and learning science to their courses. KWYN MASTERY accelerates student rote-knowledge acquisition and retention, enabling instructors to quickly move on to more complex course material. It provides an effective and efficient self-study tool integrated with existing Marine Corps learning management systems and learner record stores.”

Spencer Lynn, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator on KWYN® MASTERY
Machine learning algorithms automate tedious tasks such as, creating decks, generating multiple-choice answer options, monitoring student progress, and adjusting the frequency of card exposure to help students master difficult content. Plus, KWYN MASTERY integrates with the Moodle learning management system used by the Marine Corps and writes data to a Marine Corps learner record store as xAPI statements. As a result, instructors gain insight into student progress and save time by automatically creating flashcards based on existing courses.This digital flashcard app provides adaptive training based on the principles of learning science to maximize the acquisition and retention of knowledge. As students study the cards in the deck, KWYN MASTERY monitors their progress and adjusts by showing difficult material more often than the material they have mastered. The app helps accelerate student progress, enabling instructors to teach more advanced material sooner. Consequently, Marines efficiently learn and prepare to protect the nation.

Contact us to learn more about KWYN MASTERY and our other training efforts.


On the job, the KWYN® AI platform augments skills through intelligent guidance and coaching. 

Our passion for science and engineering drives us to find impactful, actionable solutions.