Collaborative Autonomy Meets the Real World

David Koelle

AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2024, San Diego, CO (April 2024)

The physical world is being increasingly served by autonomy, including self-driving taxi cabs, autonomous mining vehicles, and robots in warehouses and hospitals. While this is certainly a significant step in technical advancement, these robots and vehicles all operate independently. The ability for robots to work together is a powerful way for them to achieve more than anyone could achieve individually. Working together would allow for achieving high-level, multifaceted goals such as autonomous construction in remote locations, including in space; achieve military mission objectives; find and mitigate forest fires before they spread; and more. What considerations do we need to make for the interoperability of autonomous systems? In this presentation, we will discuss applied research and development work in multirobot autonomous systems that enable robots to know about each other’s changing capabilities during the course of a job, manage expectations and exception conditions that can be caused by both intended and unintended con- sequences of the real world, and provide a way for robots to anticipate other ro- bots’ actions when communications are interrupted.

For More Information

To learn more or request a copy of a paper (if available), contact David Koelle.

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