A Health Belief Model Approach to Men’s Assessment of a Novel Long-acting Contraceptive

King1, A., Kaighobadi2, F., and Winecoff3, A.

Cogent Medicine, 3(1), 1250320

We investigated predictors of men’s attitudes towards and intent to use Vasalgel™, a long-acting reversible male contraceptive under development. The health belief model (HBM), with additional constructs of interpersonal factors and social norms, provided the framework. Heterosexual men (N = 146) living in Upstate New York (age: M = 24, range = 18–48) completed a survey assessing attitudes, intent, and other psychosocial characteristics. Overall men had positive attitudes towards Vasalgel™, and reported intent to use. The HBM predicted attitudes towards and intent to use Vasalgel™, and including perceived norms and interpersonal factors significantly improved the model for intent to use but not attitudes. Results indicate positive response to Vasalgel™ and the utility of theory-based models.

Department of Psychology, Bard College
Department of Social Sciences, Bronx Community College
Charles River Analytics

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