Operational Planning using Climatological Observations for Maritime Prediction and Analysis Support Service (COMPASS)

O’Connor1, A., Kirtman2, B., Harrison1, S., and Gorman1, J.

Presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD (April 2016)

The US Navy faces several limitations when planning operations in regard to forecasting environmental conditions. Currently, mission analysis and planning tools rely heavily on short-term (less than a week) forecasts or long-term statistical climate products. However, newly available data in the form of weather forecast ensembles provides dynamical and statistical extended-range predictions that can produce more accurate predictions if ensemble members can be combined correctly. Charles River Analytics is designing the Climatological Observations for Maritime Prediction and Analysis Support Service (COMPASS), which performs data fusion over extended-range multi-model ensembles, such as the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME), to produce a unified forecast for several weeks to several seasons in the future. We evaluated thirty years of forecasts using machine learning to select predictions for an all-encompassing and superior forecast that can be used to inform the Navy’s decision planning process.

Charles River Analytics
Rosential School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami

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