Charles River Analytics Inc., developer of intelligent systems solutions, presented a novel method to rapidly locate appropriate training materials for developing training systems at the 1st International Workshop on LINKed Education. The workshop was part of the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), which took place from October 11-15, 2015, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Charles River discussed how it is using semantic technology in its Content Retrieval and Extraction for Advanced Tutoring Environments system, known as CREATE, to make it faster and easier for educators/trainers and tutoring-system authors to find the most appropriate training and educational materials in the large quantities of materials that have been developed over the years by the US Army.
CREATE helps trainers and training-system developers retrieve exactly the raw content they want, significantly reducing the time and effort required to produce effective tutoring systems. CREATE does this by providing the ability to perform semantic searches for material that has the right technical content and the right pedagogical properties. For example, an author can search for material on a specific topic that is introductory material, review material, or testing material, depending on which part of the lesson they are authoring. Semantic support for tutoring system authors, as demonstrated by CREATE, has the potential to lower costs and increase efficiency of training development across the US Army and other government agencies.