A cyber-resilient framework to protect cyber-physical systems from threats

Embedded Architecture for Cyber-resilience (EAC)

Charles River Analytics developed EAC, an Embedded Architecture for Cyber-resilience, for the US Navy. EAC helps defend cyber-physical systems from attacks and enables them to function with minimal disruption.

EAC ensures fine-grain isolation of both system- and application-level components and uses novel anomaly detection algorithms to locate compromises. When a component is compromised, EAC automatically restores that component to a known good state. EAC combines a component-based operating system structure with novel system monitoring and fault detection algorithms to provide attack and fault resiliency for cyber-physical systems.

Sailors stand watch at Fleet Cyber Command Center

“Cyber-physical systems are employed widely in Navy operations. As these systems become more interconnected, they become more exposed to cyberattacks. We built the EAC framework to protect cyber-physical systems from threats.”

Curt Wu Headshot
Curt Wu
Chief Software Engineer and Principal Investigator on the EAC effort

Charles River partnered with Professor Gabriel Parmer, an expert in operating system design and real-time systems, of George Washington University. The team will extend the Composite operating system, developed by George Washington University, in the EAC framework.

EAC is one of Charles River’s efforts in resilient system design, building novel computer architectures that are less vulnerable to attacks and failures.

Contact us to learn more about EAC and our other cybersecurity capabilities.

This material is based upon work supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N68335-17-C-0153. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Naval Research.

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