Practical Probabilistic Programming

Pfeffer, A.

Practical Probabilistic Programming, Manning Publications, Cherry Hill, NJ (2016)

Practical Probabilistic Programming book

Practical Probabilistic Programming introduces the working programmer to probabilistic programming. In it, you’ll learn how to use the PP paradigm to model application domains and then express those probabilistic models in code. Although PP can seem abstract, in this book you’ll immediately work on practical examples, like using the Figaro language to build a spam filter and applying Bayesian and Markov networks, to diagnose computer system data problems and recover digital images.

Topics in the book include:

  • Introduction to probabilistic modeling
  • Writing probabilistic programs in Figaro
  • Building Bayesian networks
  • Predicting product lifecycles
  • Decision-making algorithms

Find out more about this book at Manning

Figaro is a free, open-source, probabilistic programming language developed by Dr. Pfeffer. Find out more at